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Dana Randall

Professor of Computer Science
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology



    A.B. Mathematics, 1988, Harvard University

    Ph.D. Computer Science, 1994, University of California, Berkeley


    Theoretical Computer Science, Randomized Algorithms, Combinatorics, Stochastic Processes, Simulations of Physical Systems.


    ``Markov Chains for Planar Lattice Structures'' (with M. Luby and A. Sinclair), SIAM Journal on Computing, 31: 167--192 (2001).

    ``Markov Chain Decomposition for Convergence Rate Analysis'' (with N. Madras), Annals of Applied Probability, 12: 581--606 (2002).

    ``Analyzing Glauber Dynamics by Comparison of Markov Chains'' (with P. Tetali), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41: 1598--1615 (2000).

    ``Self-Testing Algorithms for Self-Avoiding Walks'' (with A. Sinclair), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41: 1570--1584 (2000).

    "Approximating the Number of Monomer-Dimer Coverings of a Lattice" (with C. Kenyon and A. Sinclair), Journal of Statistical Physics, 83: 637-659 (1996).


    ``Dynamic TCP Acknowledgement and Other Stories About e/(1-e)'' (with A. Karlin and C. Kenyon), 31st ACM Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science (STOC), 2001.

    ``Sampling Adsorbing Staircase Walks Using a New Markov Chain Decomposition Method'' (with R. Martin), 41st IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2000.

    ``Random Three-dimensional Tilings of Aztec Octahedra and Tetrahedra: An Extension of Domino Tilings'' (with G. Yngve), 11th ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2000.

    ``Sampling Spin Configurations of an Ising System'' (with D. Wilson), 10th ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 1999.

    "Factoring Graphs to Bound Mixing Rates" (with N. Madras), 37th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 1996.


    2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
    2008 National Associate of the National Academies
    2003 Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award, College of Computing
    2003 IBM Faculty Partnership Award
    2001-2003 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
    1997-2001 NSF Career Award
    2000 and 2015 William A. ``Gus'' Baird Faculty Teaching Award, College of Computing
    1993-1994 Univ. of California presidential dissertation year fellowship
    1989-1993 AT&T Ph.D. Scholarship