- Advisory Boards:
- Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) Scientific Advisory Board: 2022--present.
- Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) International Scientific Advisory Committee, Montreal, Canada: 2016--present.
- DIMACS Council and Executive Committee, New Brunswick, NJ: 2005--present.
- Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Board of Governors, Minneapolis, MN: 2010--2014 (Chair: 2013--14).
- Steering Committee for the Symposium of Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2012--2018.
- CRA Committee for the Advancement of Theoretical Computer Science (CATCS), 2013--17.
- Editorial Boards:
- Program comittees:
- Chair of the PC and local organizing committee for the Second Symposium on Machine Learning in Science and Engineering (MLSE), June 2019, Atlanta, GA.
- Co-chair of the PC for the First Syposium on Machine Learning in Science and Engineering (MLSE), June 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- ANALCO '17 (SIAM Workshop on Analytic Algorihms and Combinatorics), January 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
- Co-chair of the PC for SIAM DM '16 (SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics), June 2016, Atlanta, GA.
- CanaDAM '13 (biennial Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference), June 2013, Newfoundland, Canada.
- ANALCO '12 (Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics), January 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
- Chair of the PC for SODA '11 (Symposium on Discrete Algorithms), January 2011, San Francisco, CA.
- Chair of the AMS PC for national meetings, 2010-11.
- AMS Program Committee for national meetings, 2008-11.
- RANDOM '09 (Randomization and Approximation Techniques in CS), August 2009,
Berkeley, CA.
- FOCS '06 (Foundations of Computer Science), October 2006, Berkeley, CA.
- RANDOM '05 (Randomization and Approximation Techniques in CS), August
2005, Berkeley, CA.
- AofA '05 (Analysis of Algorithms), July 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
SODA '05 (Symposium on
Discrete Algorithms), Jaunuary 2005, Vancouver, BC.
RANDOM '03 (Randomization and Approximation Techniques
in CS), August 2003, Princeton, NJ.
FOCS '03 (Foundations of Computer Science, October 2003, Cambridge, MA.
SODA '02 (Symposium on Discrete Algorithms), January 2002,
San Francisco, CA.
RANDOM '01 (Randomization and Approximation Techniques in CS), August 2001, Berkeley, CA.
FOCS '99 (Foundations of Computer Science), October 1999, NYC.
SODA '99 (Symposium on Discrete Algorithms), January 1999,
Baltimore, MD.
- Guest editing:
- Workshops and special sessions organized:
- Co-chair of the Women in Data Science Workshop (with B. Marshall and J. Priestley), Atlanta, GA, June 2019.
- Special Session Co-Organizer (with A. Richa) AMS/MAA National Joint Mathematics Meetings, on Emergent Phenomena in Discrete Models, San Diego, CA, January 2018.
- Workshop on the Power of Randomness in Computation (with P. Tetali, S. Vempala, and E. Vigoda), Atlanta, GA, March 2015.
- Workshop on "Computation and Phase Transitions" (with Prasad Tetali and Eric Vigoda), Atlanta, GA, June 2012.
- Workshop on ``Connections for Women: Disrete Lattice Models in Mathematics, Physics and Computing,'' (with Beatrice de Tiliere and Chris Soteros), MSRI, Berkeley, CA, upcoming January 2012.
- Working group on ``Analysis of Markov Chains on Combinatorial and Statistical Mechanics Models,''
(with Fabio Martinelli and Prasad Tetali), Atlanta, GA, June 2009.
- Organizing committee and special session organizer for the
5th International
Symposium on Probability and its Applications on "Mixing rates of
finite Markov chains," Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2006.
- Co-chair of the organizing committee for the 9th Annual Japanese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium, sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Kanagawa, Japan, December 2006.
- Organizing committee for the 8th Annual Japanese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium, sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Kanagawa, Japan, December 2005.
Special session at the
6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics
and Probability
on ``Mixing of finite Markov chains,'' July 2004.
Special session at the
Joint AMS/MAA Mathematics Meetings
on ``Discrete Models,'' (with Cris Moore), January 2003.
- Workshop on
``Combinatorial Methods for Statistical Physics Models,''
(with Prasad Tetali),
April 1999.
- Workshop on ``Statistical Physics Methods in Discrete
Probability, Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science,'' (with Jennifer Chayes), March 1997.
- Special foci organized:
- Co-chair (with Greg Sorkin) of the organizing committee of a DIMACS/GATECH special focus on
Discrete Random Systems, 2006-2010.