CS 3510/3511 -- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2009
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Non-Honors Students:
January 16:
Exercises 1.
This is for practice. Do not hand this in.
Solutions to Exercises 1.
January 23:
Exercises 2.
This is for more practice with mods and big-oh notation. Do not hand this in either.
Solutions to Exercises 2.
February 2:
Homework 1.
This is to be handed in!!! Due February 11.
Solutions to Homework 1.
(Note small typos/errors corrected in numbers 4 and 5 !!)
February 20:
Homework 2.
To be handed in. Due March 2. NOW DUE MARCH 4!!!!
Solutions to Homework 2.
March 11:
Homework 3.
To be handed in March 25.
Solutions to Homework 3.
April 8:
Homework 4.
To be handed in April 15.
Solutions to Homework 4.
Honors Students:
You must
February 2:
Honors Supplementary Homework 1.
This is to be handed in February 11
in addition
to hw1 above.
(Note: There is
extra credit
listed here that
can try to do (alone) to get extra points!)
Solutions to Supplement to Homework 1.
March 11: see above for extra homework 3 problems.
REMEMBER: Quiz 1 is on February 13!
Solutions to Quiz 1.
REMEMBER: Quiz 2 is on March 4! NOW CHANGED TO MARCH 6!!!
Solutions to Quiz 2.
Quiz 3: March 27.
Solutions to Quiz 3.
Quiz 4: April 17.
Solutions to Quiz 4.