Randomized Algorithms (CS 7530)

Fall 2004

Time: Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:30, Room: Biology 204.

Text: Randomized Algorithms by Motwani and Raghavan.

Other useful references:
Final exam:

Topics and links:
These links are meant to be a guideline and do not always mesh exactly with the lectures from class. Please send me updated references from your lectures if the ones I have are not the best.

Tentative Schedule (and apologies for misspellings!!!!):

Send me your preferences and partners by next weekend (Oct 1), even if it's tentative. I need a couple of brave souls to volunteer to speak next week and the week after that.

Here are some suggested topics. (Also look at topics in Motwani, Raghavan and Mitzenmacher, Upfal for alternative ideas more up your alley.) Several of these can be expanded to two lectures, so more than two people can work on a topic if you do a more in-depth presentation.